Dacke adheres to a high standard of ethics and Our Code of Conduct is central to us
Dacke adheres to a high standard of ethics and our business philosophy of decentralized leadership puts high demand on every employee’s professionalism and integrity.
“We act with integrity in all business relationships”
We act with integrity and high ethics in all our business relationships and we expect the same from our partners.
We shall follow applicable laws and regulations in all countries in which we operate.
All our activities shall be built upon a sound business culture and fair competition. We adhere to applicable competition laws which prohibit any agreements or arrangements between competitors that restrict competition.
We shall always act in the best intrest of the company and avoid any conflict of interest.
We shall not engage in corruption, extortion, embezzlement or bribery and we will not tolerate improper or corrupt payments – made directly or indirectly – to a customer, government official or any other third party
No employee may offer, receive or promote payments, gifts or other benefits that could influence or may be perceived to influence our objectivity in a business decision
Our employees may only offer or receive gifts, meals etc that are clearly compatible with applicable laws and generally accepted local business practice
“Our Safety Vision is ZERO accidents and our priority is a safe working environment”
All companies within Dacke Industri are to:
Prevent accidents by an organized and documented safety work
Register and follow-up all incidents, near misses and accidents
Report any Lost Time Accident (LTA) to Dacke Industri’s CEO within 48 hours – including root cause analysis and actions to eliminate future risks
Report LTAs, other accidents and near misses in the Monthly report
“We strive to offer our employees opportunities to develop and grow”
We encourage an open, communicative and informal culture within each company
All employees, as well as applicants for vacant positions, must be treated equally, fairly and strictly on objective grounds, regardless of personal situation like gender, ethnics, politics, age, sexual orientation and functional disability
We don’t use or tolerate the use of child labour or forced labour
Harassment, threats or other unsuitable conduct are not permitted
We respect all employees’ right to form and join a trade union
We shall ensure that salaries and benefits meet or exceed the minimum statutory or industry levels in each country and we shall always comply with legislation and industry standards on working hours in each country
We strive to offer employees good opportunities to develop their skills, to perform a wider variety of tasks and to take on greater responsibility
We shall ensure that registration, archiving and use of data about employees are treated in strict confidentiality and in compliance with local laws
“We shall promote an ecologically sustainable development”
Our communication policy is to be open and accessible, providing factual and continuous information of our products, services and development
We shall protect our IP-rights and business secrets at all times
We shall work intensely to promote an ecologically sustainable development for our products, our operations and during our business trips
We shall always operate in a socially responsible manner and within the framework of national legislation in all countries where we are established
We shall always include the sustainability aspects in a new investment
We shall interact positively with the local community and are open to support local schools, universities and non-profit organizations
We do not engage or comment on political issues in the countries where we operate